Tree Trimming Services in Northeast Ohio

The Only Barber For Your Arbor

Have you ventured outside only to notice something isn’t right with one of your beloved trees? Or maybe one of your tree limbs has grown too close to a utility line? Hammon Tree Service is what your tree needs to stand for a lifetime.

Hammon Tree Service has served all of Northeastern Ohio for over twenty years, including Medina, Brunswick, Strongsville, Wadsworth, and surrounding areas. We can assess any tree trimming issue and provide superior assistance. Call us today at 330-352-0641 for a free estimate!


Quality You Can Trust

At Hammon Tree Service, we care about the longevity of your trees. We back our knowledge and experience with over two decades of assisting Northeastern Ohio’s tree issues. If you’re unsure whether your tree requires a trim, the chances are that it does.

Location and Utility Pruning

The location of a tree can be troublesome if it’s growing too close to a structure. Dead tree limbs can fall unsuspectedly and damage their surroundings. Tree cutting is essential to protect your home or vehicle from harm.

Utility pruning is essential if your tree happens to be close to an electric line. A fallen tree on a live wire can cause emergencies and power and internet outages. Removing branches in a vulnerable area is a great way to avoid potential crises.

 It is never safe to attempt precarious tree cutting, especially where live wires may be hidden from sight. Always trust a professional tree service to remove branches and whole trees during an unexpected tree fall. Hammon Tree Service is open 24 hours to assist with any emergency tree


When a tree faces disease or holds dead branches, trimming is required. At Hammon Tree Service, we are experienced and knowledgeable when offering a tree diagnosis. The most common tree infections in Ohio include:

  • Needlecasts
  • Oak Wilt
  • Thousand Cankers Disease
  • Powdery Mildew

Insects and pests may also be the cause of a sickly tree. These invasive intruders swarm the tree to use as a habitat or part of their diet. Some of the most common insects known to invade Ohio trees include:

  • Hemlock wooly adelgid
  • Lymantria dispar (formerly known as the gypsy moth)
  • Spotted lanternfly

These invasive species leave distinctive marks on the trees they inhabit, making them easy to identify. Once we’ve identified how severe the damage is, we can assess what needs to be done to save the tree. The sooner damage is spotted, the less intense treatment for the plant.

Our specialists will identify parts of a tree that can be salvaged or require trimming. Regular trimming services maintain a tree’s long-term health. A dead branch that is still hanging from a living tree takes up energy, compromising the tree’s immunity.

Regular trimmings preserve the beauty of a healthy tree. Dangling and dead limbs can distract from what is otherwise a healthy tree. A wooded area with regularly managed trees appears intentional and reflects care. Improving the sight of your home is one tree trim away.
Consistent tree pruning encourages a tree to flourish. Different trees require different maintenance levels. For example, younger trees typically need trimmings every two to three years, while older trees may do well between three to five years.

Maintaining a tree cutting schedule additionally helps the tree grow with changes. Growth patterns can adjust over time, meaning your trees can anticipate the direction of bloom.

Fully Insured

24 Hour Emergency Storm Damage Service

Tree Removal

Stump Grinding

Emergency Service

Call Hammon Tree Service today

We’re the best tree service company in Northeast Ohio. We’re celebrating 20 years of being family-owned and operated – proudly serving Medina, Brunswick, North Royalton, Wadsworth, and the surrounding areas

Dependable Tree Professionals